
Last content of “Love Film” series was (2.1), published in May 20th, 2016. I was in a major turning point of life at that time, even though I’m not quite busy, but obviously not in the mood. So it delayed and delayed… until today. In the two and half year since last post, I actually bought and sold some camera, and there’re several film roll not been developed. I’ll slowly update the blog, hope not disrupt by other things.

因为间隔太久,我已经没法清晰得记得这台Yashica T4的购买时间了,查询了淘宝的购买记录之后,确认是2015年12月购买的。说起为什么会买这台机器,还是因为Yashica T的可靠成像让我对这个系列有了浓厚的兴趣,T因为年代太过久远,测光元件老化,加上外观有点太丑。

I cannot remember when I bought this Yashica T4, after checked the order history, confirmed it was Dec 2015. I choose Yashica T4 because the good image quality of Yashica T. I sold Yashica T for the old design appearance, looked just like a square box, and the aging sensor cause some exposure problem.

纵观Yashica T系列:

If you look through the Yashica T series:


T2 and T are basically one thing, just small difference in the outside, and use different battery.


T3 use a different lens, aperture is now F 2.8. The whole machine is now daily life waterproof, and the N.A.Scope is a funny thing. But the special lens make the price not friendly, and for it’s square design, I didn’t want to buy it.


T4 and T5 are basically same, T5 has daily waterproof and N.A.Scope in addition. It’s smaller than the previous model and it’s appearance is more closer to a modern camera.



T5 is an integrated model, but it’s also more expensive than T4.


I find a T4 with a good price, everything works fine expect the flash light. I kept it after consideration.


It’s show time:











You can see the good image quality, and the style is similar to Yashica T, re-design lens offer better performance and good color and sharper image.


The downside is the IR focus sometimes beaten by a glass window. And the broken flash light cause some wired color when the light is not enough, as you can see the metro carriage picture.


This T4 was sold out in Sep 2016, with 50 RMB loss. If I can keep it till today, it can be sell with more money. ^_^

So, that’s it.